CARV Overview

What is CARV?

Carv aims to be the ultimate platform for managing gaming credentials across various web2 and web3 games. It aims to empower users with a digital identity that the user has complete control over and facilitate value sharing derived from data utility through a consent-based, privacy-preserving mechanism. CARV enables gamers to translate their achievements into SBTs (soul-bound tokens), showcasing their proudest gaming memories and unlocking SBT-gated benefits across games while keeping their data private.

Main Features
True Data Ownership and Privacy
Personal Data Monetization; Data-to-earn
Integration of CARV ID to various games
Brand Discovery, Engagement and Benefits
Rewards for sharing identity data
Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, ZkSync Era, Scroll, Optimism, Base, Linea

Frequently asked questions

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