Pragma Overview

What is Pragma?

Pragma Network is an oracle platform that redefines data verification and performance transparency using zk-rollup technology to ensure robust and transparent architecture.

How Pragma Works:

  1. Timestamp & Sign: Data sources timestamp and sign their proprietary data.
  2. Publish: Data sources publish their signed data on-chain to the Pragma oracle contract directly.
  3. Verify: The Pragma contract verifies the validity of the data, including signature, timestamp, and value.
  4. Persist: Verified data is transparently stored on-chain for retrieval by smart contracts, supporting various applications like price feeds and computational feeds.

Pragma Network positions itself as a leader in the oracle space, offering transparent, decentralized, and composable data services for the blockchain ecosystem.

Main Features
Transparency: Data is fully on-chain, allowing for verification of any data point from origin to destination, with verifiable performance and open-source code available on GitHub.
Decentralization: Pragma brings high-quality, proprietary data directly on-chain without relying on off-chain infrastructure, enhancing the platform's decentralization.
Composability: Utilizes zk-computation to compose raw data on-chain, enabling the creation of new, secure data feeds for advanced computational metrics.
Starknet, ZkSync Era

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