Blockchain Validators

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Blockchain Validators Overview

What do we mean by Blockchain Validators?

Simply put, a validator is like a node that helps in verifying and validating new transactions and blocks in a network (e.g. the Ethereum network).

A validator client is the software that acts for the validator. It holds the validator's private key and uses it to attest, or confirm, the state of the chain. In essence, it's the program that controls the validator and can manage multiple validators using different key pairs.

A node operator is an individual responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of the client software, overseeing hardware maintenance, and other tasks as needed. Think of them as the 'caretaker' of the software and hardware infrastructure that the validator client relies on.

To become a validator on Ethereum, you are required to stake 32 ETH per validator. This locked amount of ETH represents your starting balance and dictates your initial and maximum voting influence for each validator you control. In simpler terms, to participate in the validation process and have a say in network decisions, you need to 'lock in' 32 ETH for each validator you want to run.

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