Decentralized Storage

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Decentralized Storage Overview

What do we mean by Decentralized Storage?

Storage in the context of Web3 pertains to the methods and protocols used to store data on the decentralized web. Unlike traditional web (Web2) where data is usually stored on centralized servers owned by specific companies, data storage on Web3 is decentralized and relies on blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies. This decentralized model of storage provides better privacy, security, and censorship resistance.

Several decentralized storage protocols have emerged to serve this purpose, such as the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) and Filecoin. These systems allow users to store and retrieve data in a peer-to-peer network, with data being broken into multiple pieces, encrypted, and spread across the network.

One important feature of Web3 storage is that data can be stored permanently on the blockchain, ensuring it can't be altered or deleted. This immutable nature of blockchain storage is critical for certain use cases, such as verifying the authenticity of a document or the ownership of a digital asset, like a Non-Fungible Token (NFT).

However, storing large amounts of data directly on the blockchain can be expensive and inefficient due to the limitations of block size and transaction processing capacity. Therefore, many decentralized applications (dApps) use a combination of on-chain and off-chain (such as IPFS) storage solutions, where the blockchain stores critical information like ownership records, and off-chain decentralized storage systems handle larger, less critical data.

Overall, Web3 storage is an integral part of the decentralized web infrastructure, providing a foundation for a more open, resilient, and user-centric internet.

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